2007年2月3日 星期六

冬日維港 vs 壓力









1 則留言:

vicmon 提到...

I am myself facing heavy job pressure too... it is good that you were able to go for a walk or take a leave to allow yourself to release a bit (I hope I can take a leave to relax a bit too)...

I wonder if we can reduce the "I" a bit...and there is no "I" being scolded by boss... just to observe that there was only a lovely lady Angel being unlucky that day when her boss who was under tremendous pressure and made flaws in her work... Angel thought she did not deserve the blaming for her hard work.. Her boss thought about the unfulfilled targets and no one could help him out...

everything is conditioned... being scolded is not happy... working under pressure is not easy...but after all, we understand that everything has its cause and try to accept it and get it easy...Try to improve the situation by avoiding the same conditions for the same cause to happen... Try to let go your "self".... Yesterday, I really want to scold my staff for her serious mistakes, but I did not ... Good luck ^-^