2006年10月24日 星期二





Four-leaf clover, by Tim McCormack, adopted from Wikimedia Commons
良辰美景 新婚快樂
龍鳳配 恭喜你
瑤池戲水 鴛鴦比翼




3 則留言:

vicmon 提到...

It is nice to be the first one to leave a message at your new blog ^-^. It is very nice and you must have spent much time to work on this. Keep it on.

Since I am busy, I could not join Yau's wedding. But from your description, I can picture how the wedding scene was. Thanks a lot.

文心 提到...

Thanks for your encouragement, Vicmon! I'm very excited to receive the first comment for my blog.

匿名 提到...

Dear lovely Angel,

It's nice to read this article. We again recalled the day. Your singing accompanying us stepping into the ceremony room. If you could remember, I was also singing together with you all when entering into the room because of uprising mood. You all sang two times and I followed you to sing at second time (no one knows).

One photo showed that the bride came out to have a glance on your script to see whether your song is handwriting or a copy. How come you've got this song right away.

In fact, you are the first one we got the blessing call immeditate after the short notice was sent. We found very happy & exciting and surprised that someone would still check email at the wonderful festival night.

Yes, because of you all there that made that day unusal and immemorable.